About Us

Bright Future School, a non-ethnic institution from nursery to primary level, embraces the diverse Moshi community, welcoming individuals of any color, language, religion, and nationality. Our curriculum follows Tanzanian guidelines, incorporating a Montessori (Hands-On Learning) approach, ensuring your children develop intellectual, physical (gross and fine motor), emotional, and social skills. Through sensory exploration, a play-based learning technique, your child will have fun while learning!

Bright Future School offers well-equipped classrooms that inspire exploration. We provide materials to keep both teachers and students motivated. Health and wellness are prioritized, with access to clean facilities and balanced nutrition, including fruits and vegetables grown on the school compound.

Our Mission

Our mission is to offer top-tier education and childcare in a secure, respectful, and inclusive environment, fostering a foundation for lifelong learning.

Our Teachers

School Board Members​